What is constructivism?
Constructivism is basically a theory -- based on observation and scientific study -- about how people learn. It says that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with our previous ideas and experience, maybe changing what we believe, or maybe discarding the new information as irrelevant. In any case, we are active creators of our own knowledge. To do this, we must ask questions, explore, and assess what we know.
In the classroom, the constructivist view of learning can point towards a number of different teaching practices. In the most general sense, it usually means encouraging students to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to create more knowledge and then to reflect on and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing. The teacher makes sure she understands the students' preexisting conceptions, and guides the activity to address them and then build on them.
In the classroom, the constructivist view of learning can point towards a number of different teaching practices. In the most general sense, it usually means encouraging students to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to create more knowledge and then to reflect on and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing. The teacher makes sure she understands the students' preexisting conceptions, and guides the activity to address them and then build on them.
A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés.
Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. Escribe lo que significa en español....agrega las abreviaciones.
Palabras desconocidas:
a) Basically. Básicamente ((adv)
b) About. Sobre (adv).
c) Construct. Construir. (vtr)
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
Idea principal del texto.
El constructivismo es una corriente teórica que sostiene que las personas construyen su propio aprendizaje.
· Palabras de contenido: people, experience,
· Palabras de Función: scientific, our,
· Verbos: are, have.
· Adverbio: basically, most
· Adjetivo: previous, active
· Artículo: no hay
· Preposiciones: observation, information
· Conjunción: no hay
· Cognados verdaderos: observation, Constructivism
· cognados Falsos: experiencing, reflecting
· Sufijo: : reconcil, preexisting
· Prefijos: : Constructivism, experiencing,
B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
· Selecciona 2 oraciones completas de tu texto (las oraciones deben ir de punto a punto.. asegurate que no tienen comas)
Oracion 1
Constructivism is basically a theory -- based on observation and scientific study -- about how people learn.
· Frase nominal: Constructivism
· Nucleo de la frase nominal: Constructivism
· Pre modificadores
· Post modificadores
· Frase verbal: is basically a theory based on observation and scientific study about how people learn.
· Nucleo de la frase verbal:
· Tiempo verbal: presente
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